Thursday, September 23, 2010

Making a Difference

 So many people don't really think about the impact they have on the earth. I once commented to my friend about how it was wrong  to throw her soda can into the garbage when the recycling can was right in front of her. Her reply? "I don't need to recycle it. I'm one person. I don't make that much of a difference." I say she's wrong. Everyone can make and impact. Imagine what it would be like if everyone took her attitude? We'd be killing our earth at a faster rate than we already are, and that would be bad, very bad.

We all need to start thinking about the impact of our day-to-day activities. I'm not saying we can't ever take showers or drive to school every morning, but I am saying that there are little things we can do. Think about it. If you realize at 7:00pm one evening that you hardly have any milk left in the fridge, do you really need to drive to the store down the street? Why not walk or take your bike? That way, you get exercise, and you're keeping your car off the road. When you go to the store, do you really need a bag? Even if you don't have a reusable bag, you can take the bags from the last time you went shopping to reuse. There are so many little things we can do! Maybe you live too far away from school to walk or ride your bike, but do you carpool? It's so easy, yet sometimes we don't really think.

So try it. Try thinking about the little things you can do in your life. Appreciate the things you take for granted. Make a difference.

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