Wednesday, December 15, 2010

"You've Inspired Me"

Have you ever thought that your endeavors to be eco-friendly are hopeless? That whatever you do, you're only one person? That what you're doing isn't being noticed? You're not alone. I've felt like that before too. But then I realized that it isn't about showing off and being talked about. Its about what you're doing. You're taking part in an eco-friendly action, and its good if people notice, but don't worry if they don't.

But do you want to know a secret? People DO notice. They don't tend to let you know though. Since I've been having waste-free lunches at school, using reusable water bottle, and making sideways comments about the wastefulness of juice boxes, I've noticed more of my friends using reusable bottles and producing less trash. If you keep working hard, you might just get lucky, and someone will tell you how they've been inspired by you. For example, when my mom was at a grocery store a couple of weeks ago (with her reusable bags, of course) and was in line to pay, the woman behind her was fascinated with her bags. She engaged in conversation with my mom, repeatedly mentioning how she'd been inspired to do the same.

Thats just one example of people noticing another's eco-friendly habits. Sometimes, a similar encounter can happen without the words though. If that woman had wanted to, she could of stayed silent, noticed the bags, and still have been inspired without talking to my mom. Its the silent inspiration whcich is helping these ideas grow more than anything.

I promise you, if you keep trying, someone will notice. Or maybe they already have! If you have any stories about an encounter with someone you've inspired or that has inspired you, I'd love to hear it! Post a comment or email me at  .

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