Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Coffee (Make Your Starbucks Trip More Eco-Friendly!)

Who doesn't love Starbucks? We see the logo every day, whether around town or on a paper cup in someone's hand. Often I see my teachers or fellow students with their coffee in the mornings, and when they're done, they throw them out, and unless they're in a classroom, the only place to put them is a trash can, so they aren't even recycled. Putting aside the problem that they aren't being recycled, and think about the fact that it only takes six people to have coffee each day for 1000 paper cups to be used over the course of the school year. That doesn't even account for the ones that don't come to school.

How many people do you see go in to Starbucks, place an order, and ask politely for it to be put in an insulated reusable cup? Not very many. But when it does happen, they almost always are happy to fill your cup, bypassing the wasteful paper cup. Also, your coffee stays warmer for longer. So if ten people at my school were to use reusable cups whenever they went into Starbucks, that would take almost 2,000 paper cups out of the trash over the course of the year. Its just that simple.

You can easily find reusable insulated cups at places like Target or your local grocery store for less than $15, so why not? This is a scenario where the benefits definitely  outweigh the costs.

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